Protect vision


Donations to the foundation as a non-profit organization can be deducted in the tax return. The maximum amount depends on the canton and country.


Spectrum – Foundation for ophthalmological research
Mozartstrasse 11
CH-6004 Luzern
Luzerner Kantonalbank AG
Pilatusstrasse 12, 6003 Luzern, Switzerland
Konto 2062.2905.2001
IBAN CH41 0077 8206 2290 5200 1
BC (SIC): 00778


Confirmation of tax exemption:

Dienststelle Steuern, Juristische Personen Buobenmatt 1, Postfach 3464 6002 Luzern.




Fund-raising on jubilee day

Start your good deed for the benefit of the community with a donation campaign at birth, wedding, birthday or an anniversary - start your own donation campaign! Or simply because you want to do something good.
Legacy and inheritance

Put your inheritance to work for your fellow human beings.

To honor the memory of a loved one

In memory of a deceased person.

Donation for the examination and rehabilitation of animals

This eurasian buzzard was found malnourished, unable to fly on. He had probably injured himself in a garden hague. In the Veterinary Hospital of the University of Zurich he is cared for and can recover. We found a cataract in the right eye. Fortunately, the other eye is unharmed. He had not suffered any retinal detachment due to the impact, so that he could soon be released into nature again.

Spectrum Foundation | Kaspar-Kopp-Strasse 99a | 6030 Ebikon | | Good Research for great vision | Privacy Policy
Good Research for great vision | Privacy Policy
Spectrum Foundation | T +41 41 420 46 14| | Privacy Policy